

  • Training of coaches and other sports managers

Professional experience.

  • Psychological and mental follow-up and support for top athletes since 2008 (France), for numerous clubs and federations. Among others: mogul skiing, wrestling, inline canoeing, trial, tennis, basketball, pentathlon and triathlon, snowboarding, swimming, speed skating, football
  • Trainer in sport psychology
  • Trainer and jury for a European mental preparation diploma
  • Interventions dans des entreprises sur l’optimisation de la performance, la gestion des émotions, relaxation, techniques de communication
  • Member of the French Society of Sport Psychology
  • Expert Psychological Officer for the Pas de Calais Fire Brigade (stress management, psychological trauma management)

Studies and training.

  • Professional Master 2 Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology of Sport (Montpellier III – 2007/2008)

  • Master 1 in clinical psychology and psychopathology of sportsmen (Montpellier 2006/2007)
  • Bachelor’s degree in clinical psychology with an option in sports psychopathology (2005/2006)

  • University diploma in cognitive and behavioural therapy (Lille 2008 to 2010)

  • University Diploma “Pathology of Orality” (Bordeaux, 2008/2009)

  • University diploma (DU) Doping: from analysis to prevention (Montpellier) (2006/2007)
  • University diploma (DU) Nutrition of physical and sports activities (Toulouse 2006/2007)