Sport psychology

What is our sport psychology service and who is it for?

Sport psychology is the science that studies the behaviour of human beings in a sport context.
In other words, it is the definition of psychology, but in the field of sport.

The sport psychologist is an expert who intervenes to help (psychological support, coaching, mental preparation, etc.), prevent problems (e.g. stress, exhaustion, etc.), or conduct research or teaching activities.

It is aimed at all those involved in sport: athletes, parents, coaches, managers, sports executives, etc.

Sport psychology at Psychosport

Psychosport offers personalised support in the various fields of sports psychology:

  • Mental preparation
  • Psychological help for athletes
  • Help for sports injuries
  • Sports career transition

Mental preparation

Mental preparation, also called “mental coaching” in the sports world, is the field most studied and practised with high-level athletes and coaches: it is about psychological preparation for competitions.

It is also referred to as “mental training”, insofar as the mind (e.g. concentration or stress management skills) can be the subject of specific training.

Psychological support for athletes

Sportsmen and women are not immune to psychological difficulties, like any other person, but also because the life of a sportsman or woman is not always easy: the demand for results, pressure, busy schedules, difficulties in combining sport and emotional life (couple, etc.).

Psychosport offers psychological help to sportsmen and women, but also to their entourage (spouse, family, etc.).

Sports Injury Help

Injury is very common among sportsmen and women and is taken very seriously at Psychosport. This period is indeed not easy to manage for various reasons (inactivity, uncertain and difficult return to competition,…). There are two obvious reasons for us to take this into account.

Firstly, many sportsmen and women and coaches think that, during an injury, all they can do is wait for it to “heal”. However, it has been shown that you can:

  • Maintain technical gestures, physical sensations and tactical patterns through mental imagery exercises (visualisation).
  • Manage the difficult time of injury in a constructive way.
  • Train mental skills and prepare for the return, especially in terms of self-confidence and motivation.

Secondly, the injury that occurs clearly shows that intensive sport often does violence to the body and involves health risks. It is therefore an opportunity to raise the athlete’s awareness of his or her health in sport, and possibly to help him or her take steps to prevent future problems.

Career transition in sport

It is not always easy to make a good decision about the direction of one’s career.

For example, a young sportsman wonders if he should become a professional player, another wonders if he should change club but is in a difficult hesitation, a professional sportsman hesitates to stop, another wants to stop but doesn’t know what to do afterwards at professional level,…

Psychosport supports you in your steps and helps you to make choices that suit you best.

Want to meet us?

Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email.