Mental preparation

Who is our mental preparation service for?

Mental preparation in sport concerns any athlete or team wishing to optimise their potential in competition thanks to work carried out at the mental level, a central pillar in performance.

Mental preparation in sport can be applied to adults, adolescents and children.

What is mental preparation at Psychosport?

Psychosport offers mental preparation support for:

  • individual sports
  • team sports
  • coaches

Individualised mental preparation is aimed at sportsmen and women who practice an individual sport.

Psychosport offers various services to support them in their mental preparation:

  • Selection and work on the mental techniques best suited to the individual sport in question
  • Training of mental skills
  • Putting the techniques into practice
  • Practice during training and competition
  • Personalized coaching with psychological support for the athlete on a daily basis
  • Support for career management.

Within the clubs, Psychosport intervenes with a team according to the context and affinities of the club and the group.

Different services can be put in place:

  • Collaboration with the (central) staff
  • Mental preparation groups with (potential) leaders
  • Individual mental preparation with players
  • Coaching and mental imaging for injured players
  • Psychological tests and assessments for players or in the context of recruitment
  • Coaching of the coach
  • Large groups

The coach may need to be coached himself.

At this level, Psychosport can help and accompany him in order to:

  • either to intervene better with his athletes (e.g.: “How can I motivate my athletes?”, “How can I encourage more concentration or combativeness in my players?)
  • or to be mentally trained in order to optimise one’s own potential and to cope with pressure: personal work on self-confidence, motivation, stress management, etc., or to be supported, advised, etc.

How long does a mental preparation/coaching session at Psychosport last?

  • In individual sports, a minimum of 5 sessions of mental preparation are recommended to start seeing tangible results. Ideally, 10 sessions constitute a more complete follow-up. However, some sportsmen and women opt for a long-term follow-up.
  • In team sports, individual and group sessions with the players and meetings with the staff are organised. From experience, year-round follow-up is recommended, as it allows for more in-depth work and the automation of good practices within the group over the long term.
  • The duration of the personal coaching sessions for coaches depends mainly on the specific needs of each coach.

    In addition, Psychosport also organises training sessions for coaches. Various specific modules are organised in sports psychology (mental preparation, prevention, etc.). Finally, there is always the possibility to have specific training sessions on demand.

Learn more about our other services.

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