Eric Medaets Sophrologist and physiotherapist


  • Mental training of sportsmen and women
  • Training and conferences

Professional experience.

  • President of the Belgian School of Fundamental Sophrology and Relaxation (EBSFR) and Trainer at the Belgian School of Fundamental Sophrology and Relaxation since 1999 (EBSFR)
  • Consultant for Psychosport since 2006
  • Trainer at the Centre de Formation des Sophrologues Professionnels de Bretagne-Normandie (Caen, Rennes, Rouen) since 2016 (sophrology and sports)
  • Trainer at CREA – HELB, Haute Ecole Libre de Bruxelles, Ylya Prigogine

  • Trainer at the CU “Therapeutic Hypnosis” of the health pole of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

  • Mental training of high level athletes: motor sports, tennis, table tennis, golf, horse riding, athletics, hockey, football, gymnastics, cycling, skiing, fencing…
  • Mental training of coaches (basketball…) and referees (rugby…)

  • Author of the books: Entraînement Mental Pratique à l’usage de tous les acteurs Autoédition 2014; Tennis. Motivation, concentration, self-confidence; Practical mental training for all. Self-published 2014; Sport et sophrologie : optimise your performance ! Editions Sotéca 2018; In collaboration with Dr Henri Boon: Sophrology and sports training. Editions Soteca 2021; Co-author with Philippe and Caroline Drabs: La sophrologie dans la réadaptation neuro-locomotrice. Editions Sotéca, 2019; Participation in the Dictionary of concepts, techniques and fields of application. Elsevier Masson 2020
  • Sports experience: Basketball player in national divisions 3 and 4