Mental coaching for tennis

Tennis is a demanding sport requiring good control of oneself and one’s body to develop technically but also to repeat training performances in matches. Concentration is essential on each point and it is not uncommon to be disturbed by the score or the stakes of an important point, or by a defeat which could influence subsequent matches.

Self-confidence is also of course essential, but the psycho-bodily aspects are just as essential, in training but also in matches. The alternation of relaxation and intensity to be put into the ball are not so easy to acquire, and it is not uncommon for muscle control to be disrupted by stress, especially in important points. The mental coach is there to train techniques aimed at strengthening confidence, attentional skills, combativeness, but also “switch” and psycho-corporal control.

Conference on mental preparation in tennis

  • When will it be held? Wednesday 17 april 2024 at 8.15 pm. The conference will start at 8.30 pm sharp (entrance at 8.15 pm) and will end at around 9.30 pm.
  • Where? Online (Zoom)
  • Who is it for? Sports staff, athletes, parents…
  • What? The programme will be as follows:- Part 1: Presentation: the pillars of performance, sports psychology and mental training, the steps of mental coaching in tennis, examples of techniques, concrete cases
    – Part 2: Questions and answers: the audience is invited to ask questions

With a specialist in mental training in tennis

Manuel Dupuis  is a sports psychologist and mental trainer since 2003 and intervenes for many sportsmen and clubs, amateurs and professionals. He regularly works with high level tennis player, both in his office and on the court

Practical information
Registration fees: free entry upon validation of the registration form (limited number).
Registration request by e-mail (specify number of places and one e-mail address per participant).

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